
The Higher Regional Court Frankfurt a.M. (OLG Frankfurt) recently sentenced a German-Iranian to a prison sentence of three years and six months without parole for commercially carrying out 20 deliveries of 61 aircraft engines to Iran without official approval. He thus violated the Foreign Trade and Payments Act (AWG) in conjunction with the restrictive measures against Iran outcast.

Deception of customs by a forwarding agent about the military suitability of the goods

The aircraft engines of a German manufacturer were suitable as engines for the drones[/bold] of the “Ababil III” system used by the Iranian armed forces. The accused’s company had the aircraft engines delivered to Iran via a forwarding agency. In order that the customs authorities did not notice that the goods needed approval, they had been declared for export as jet ski engines worth less than € 1,000.

In such cases, freight forwarders and other transport service providers may also be fined and even liable to prosecution. Find out here how you can take suitable precautions against this!


Dieser Artikel wurde am 10. August 2018 erstellt. Er wurde am 30. September 2023 aktualisiert. Die fachliche Zweitprüfung hat Rechtsanwalt Dr. Tristan Wegner durchgeführt.

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