This news item is a publication of our partner Celso Figueiredo in Brazil: BMJ Consultores Associados |
On 22 June 2020, the Brazilian Foreign Trade Secretariat published Circular No 40/2020 in the official gazette, thereby initiating a review of the anti-dumping duty on imports of elastomeric hoses.
These imports are classified under tariff number 4009.11.00 of the Common Nomenclature of MERCOSUR (NCM) and originate in Germany, Italy and the United Arab Emirates.
The current review is the first for this anti-dumping measure and began following a request by Armacell do Brasil Ltda. Brazil’s investigating authority (Sdcom) assessed the likelihood of dumping by comparing the average normal value of the above countries, as verified on the Brazilian market, with the average sales price of the domestic like product on the same market.
As the cif normal value of elastomeric hoses from these countries on the Brazilian market was higher than the sales price of the domestic industry, it was concluded, following the assessment of Sdcom, that the producers/exporters from these countries were exporting the products concerned at prices below their normal value.
The investigation period for the anti-dumping duty review will be January 2015 to December 2019.
German exporters of elastomeric hoses should participate in Brazil
Once Sdcom has taken interested parties into account in this review, importers and exporters as well as other domestic producers will receive specific questionnaires and should reply within 30 days.
Those who do not receive questionnaires but consider themselves as interested parties may request to participate within 20 days of the opening of the review, i.e. on 13 July 2020.
Authorisation of all legal representatives of participants must be given within 91 days of the beginning of the review.
If you are exporting elastomeric hoses to Brazil, you should get in touch with us so that you can take part in the procedure in Brazil.
Dieser Artikel wurde am 15. September 2020 erstellt. Er wurde am 30. September 2023 aktualisiert. Die fachliche Zweitprüfung hat Rechtsanwalt Dr. Tristan Wegner durchgeführt.