In the European Union, anti-dumping duties and anti-dumping subsidy duties were imposed on Chinese solar modules and key components in 2013. Turkey is now following suit and is opening its own anti-dumping proceedings against Chinese manufacturers of solar modules. Companies importing modules via Turkey or carrying out solar technology projects there should now follow developments closely.

Opening of an anti-dumping investigation into Chinese solar modules

After the European Union had found price dumping in China in the production of solar modules and solar cells, the Turkish Ministry of Economic Affairs is now also having price dumping investigated. Turkey has not imposed provisional anti-dumping duties such as those imposed by the European Union at the time. However, imports are also registered there. Should anti-dumping duties be imposed at a later date, they may also be imposed retroactively until 01.07.2016.

It is not yet clear how quickly a decision will be made. Under international law, a decision would have to be taken within 18 months at the latest. However, it can be assumed that the anti-dumping duties will probably be imposed in advance if Turkey detects price dumping in Chinese production.

Risks also for European companies

However, this does not only affect companies from Turkey that import solar modules directly from China. In the past, European companies have also imported Chinese solar modules directly into Turkey for projects in Turkey and had them cleared through customs there. In addition, some deliveries from China via Turkey to the European Union were also made. Some companies have also relocated production to Turkey. Entrepreneurs using solar modules in business transactions with Turkey and/or China should now closely monitor developments. According to press reports, Turkey could introduce a minimum import price (MIP) of around 70 US cents per watt.

Should you be affected by the impending anti-dumping duties in Turkey, please contact our team. Simply write us an e-mail or call us on 040/369615-0 in Hamburg


Dieser Artikel wurde am 9. August 2018 erstellt. Die fachliche Zweitprüfung hat Rechtsanwalt Dr. Tristan Wegner durchgeführt.

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