
The Commission has announced that it will implement the Anti-dumping duty which was introduced by the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2272 for seamless pipes of iron or steel originating in China. Importing companies should keep a close eye on developments. It is possible that the anti-dumping duty may be lifted.

Due to legal concerns, the Commission is resuming the investigation procedure which led to the imposition of the original anti-dumping duty.

Anti-dumping regulation successfully challenged before the European Court of Justice (ECJ)

This follows a ruling by the ECJ which declared the anti-dumping duty illegal, but only with effect for Hubei Xinyegang Steel Co Ltd, and the Commission is therefore examining whether the errors complained about by the ECJ in relation to this company have also been made in relation to all other companies. These errors related in particular to the misinterpretation of the risk of injury to the industry when importing the pipes concerned.

The resumption of the investigation concerns the following TARIC codes: 7304191020, 7304193020, 7304230020, 7304291020, 7304293020, 7304312020, 7304318030, 7304391010, 7304395220, 7304395830, 7304399230, 7304399320, 7304518120, 7304518930, 7304591010, 7304599230 and 7304599320. Interested parties have the opportunity to contact the Commission with information and relevant guidance for the new investigation.

Our customs lawyers will be happy to advise you on all questions of anti-dumping law. Optimize your import now.

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Dieser Artikel wurde am 9. August 2018 erstellt. Er wurde am 30. September 2023 aktualisiert. Die fachliche Zweitprüfung hat Rechtsanwalt Dr. Tristan Wegner durchgeführt.

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