Anti-dumping duties on solar modules from China, which are reported to expire shortly, may only be extended by 18 months instead of 24 months. An expiry investigation of the anti-dumping measures in force has been under way in Brussels since the end of 2015. A proposal to extend the existing measures by 24 months has not recently received a majority. The Commission therefore seems to want to make a milder proposal with a shorter extension period.

Anti-dumping duties on solar modules from China

Anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties were imposed on photovoltaic modules and cells in 2013. At ProSun’s request, the Commission launched the still ongoing phase-out review at the end of 2015. Please also read this article.

As the anti-dumping measures against Chinese solar modules would expire in March 2017 and the extension for 24 months has been refused, a compromise to extend the measures is now being sought.

Loosening of anti-dumping duties foreseeable

Anti-dumping measures are normally imposed for five years. The already comparatively short term of 24 months is now apparently to be shortened to 18 months. This is how the Commission wants to make its proposal eligible for a majority vote.

In addition, the minimum import price that Chinese manufacturers can pay under the subtaking system instead of import duties has already been reduced to 46 cents per watt on 1 January 2017. According to a Commission proposal, this minimum import price could be further reduced in the future in line with technological advances in the industry.

O&W Attorneys at Law have been advising clients on anti-dumping duties on solar modules for years. Ask your questions about the anti-dumping duties or the expiry investigation to our customs lawyers.

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Dieser Artikel wurde am 9. August 2018 erstellt. Er wurde am 30. September 2023 aktualisiert. Die fachliche Zweitprüfung hat Rechtsanwalt Dr. Tristan Wegner durchgeführt.

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