
The European Commission has recently, by implementing Decision (EU) 2017/615, frozen the minimum import price for photovoltaic modules originating in or shipped from China for the duration of an ongoing interim review. This follows the proposal of Chinese producers and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce (CCCME) to maintain the level of the minimum export price set under the Undertaking pending the completion of the ongoing anti-dumping interim review.

Interim review on anti-dumping duties on photovoltaic modules

In March 2017, the European Commission launched a partial interim review to verify whether the Undertaking System under Decision 2013/707/EU still makes sense. It will examine whether the obligations based on the minimum import price should be adjusted or replaced.

Chinese producers and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce (CCCME) requested the Commission to freeze the minimum import price until the completion of the interim review. They argued that this would avoid interferences with the review.

In favour of the Chinese producers, the Commission has now decided that the minimum import price and thus the obligation in its current form will be maintained until the end of the investigation.

O&W Attorneys at Law have been advising clients on anti-dumping duties on photovoltaic modules for years. Ask our customs lawyers now about the minimum import price or interim check.

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Dieser Artikel wurde am 9. August 2018 erstellt. Die fachliche Zweitprüfung hat Rechtsanwalt Dr. Tristan Wegner durchgeführt.

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