According to press reports, the European Bicycle Manufacturers Association (EBMA) has complained to the European Commission about cheap imports of e-bikes from China. If the complaint contains sufficient prima facie evidence of dumping, the European Commission would probably initiate an anti-dumping investigation. In particular, entrepreneurs importing e-bikes and pedelecs from Asia should keep a close eye on further developments and prepare themselves accordingly for anti-dumping duties.

Procedure of an anti-dumping investigation

So far, it has not been possible to determine the exact nature of the complaint in the press. However, in the case of cheap imports, a request for an anti-dumping investigation may be considered first and foremost. The European Commission has until the end of October to respond to the”complaint”.

If the complaint contains sufficient prima facie evidence of dumping imports of e-bikes and/or pedelecs, the Commission will open an investigation. During this investigation, interested parties, such as EU producers and importers, have the opportunity to participate in the anti-dumping investigation. During the course of the proceeding, the Commission may impose provisional and subsequently definitive anti-dumping and/or countervailing duties on imports of e-bikes originating in China.

E-bike importers should be prepared for anti-dumping duty

Union manufacturers and importers should monitor further developments in the procedure in order to be able to react in good time. For example, certain deadlines must be met for participation in the investigation procedure. If an anti-dumping investigation is actually initiated, importers should consider whether they will be affected by the possible measures. In order to ensure a smooth course of business, a change of supplier might have to be considered.

Participate in the Commission's anti-dumping investigation and actively influence the outcome of the proceedings. We are at your side with our many years of experience in anti-dumping law.

Für Unternehmen: 15 Minuten kostenlose Erstberatung+49 40 369615-0oder Telefontermin sichern


Dieser Artikel wurde am 8. August 2018 erstellt. Die fachliche Zweitprüfung hat Rechtsanwalt Dr. Tristan Wegner durchgeführt.

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